As far as a devoted "journalist" of everyday life and experiences I seem to lack the commitment to the task. BUT I hope that this new Food Blog will bring a new dedication to "educating and entertaining" the people.
I am absolutely OBSESSED with Rachael Ray and The Food Network, so I will be referring to their websites a lot for dinner/dessert ideas. But I will definitely stir in a couple of original, passed down family meals too. Soon I will be setting up an email address so that you can send me recipes, suggestions for restaurants to visit, etc. And of course you can always do that through the comments too.
My plans for this blog is to inspire you all to try some new recipes, to give your weekly menus a little variety and maybe even some HUMOR with some how-to videos. (That should be hilarious!.) Tell me what you want to see! Or what you want to eat! This relationship is a two way street, baby!
And now for today's recipe! Here is a good one from Rachael Ray- I attached a picture below. I might be making these this weekend.
I hope you all will enjoy this new blog...Until next time-Good Eats! :)
Food Quote: The belly rules the mind-Spanish Proverb
(Ain't that the truth!? Maybe that's why you are not suppose to shop on an empty stomach!)
I love it! Use your new-found obsession with Nutella and come up with some recipes! Some of your doggie treat recipes would be fun, too. Call me if you need a taste-tester... but not for the doggie treats. ;)