Monday, January 27, 2014

Hello 2014

Hello Elizabeth ( since I am the only one I think that reads my BLOG-and maybe my husband when I force him.) ......

Hello Patrick! What? OH...

You don't want to read it? FINE! I will just write for the interwebs...because we all know that once it is on is here for all ETERNITY!

We have been back at work for 4 weeks now. The first two weeks were pure hell. Just chaos and idiots. Idiots and Chaos. I am surprised that I did not become a raging alcoholic on the first Tuesday back. It is something about being a good employee and following the rules that does not mix with weirdos and dumdums. But HARK my prayers have been answered because after a 3-day weekend off for MLKday we also got last Friday off thanks to #sneauxmaggedon.  (google know you want to) And now the town has pretty much closed for #sneauxmaggedon partdeaux!!!! Off of work for Tuesday and Wednesday BECAUSE ITS GONNA SNOW!!!

OKAY....Let me compose myself. (This blog makes it look like I hate work
My parents got TONS of snow....more than I have ever seen in Louisiana. Check it! Crazy,white SNOW!!

We got a lot more Ice than actually snow last Friday-but the weather channel is predicting more snow chances this go around. WooPEE! 

My advice to all those who are in Louisiana and are "snowed in"-Stay INSIDE! On Friday there were more than 200 accidents (40 just in SouthwestLa) Just enjoy the day...get some housework done, catch up on some TV or sleep. There are only so many "snow days" Louisiana gets...take advantage of them! 

I will be snuggled on the couch (probably under an electric blanket) watching Disney movies and/or Bones and....I suppose I'll do some homework. Blah. 


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's been a while

I am not sure how people can keep these blog things up and going! It has been since early spring that I posted something. Blogging Loser! The sad part is the only reason I am writing a blog right now is because I am insanely bored at work.

It is days away from our 2 week Christmas break and I have already requested Friday off so I have pretty much given up on the rest of this week. My only role in this office until then is to STAY AWAKE and PLEASANT. I can not wait for my two weeks off and Thursday is the only thing standing in my way! MOVE IT, THURSDAY!!

On the home front, Patrick and I are preparing for Christmas. We have of course decorated the house and set up the tree (weeks after Thanksgiving thank you very much!) and all that is left is to make sure our insane CATS do not destroy the decor and furniture before family comes in for Christmas dinner. It is something about the cooler weather and smell of piney nature that really strikes wild hair with them.

I am going to try my best to update this blog...maybe even once a week! I am MOST definitely going to be adding this gifs...they are my guilty pleasure and bring a lot to the entertainment table for this blog. And yes-it needs it. HA!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Well we finally made the time to fix our landscaping. The previous owners made a bed and place right against the house. Our 80+ year old, wooden planked house! Termite HEAVEN! We worked a few weeks ago to move the original bed and woke up yesterday bound and determined to finish this project!!
The awesome part everything only costed $50! The landscape bricks and plants were already here-all we bought was the topsoil and soil conditioner! So happy!!
In 3 weeks I head to the nursery festival and I am already making my list of flowers. I can't wait to get some color in there!
Let me know what kind of flowers you would like to see....this is a shade/ partial sun bed.
Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Graduate School BONUS!

So I started Graduate School and this is for 2 Bonus Points! 
My Illustrated Poster from Cluster A...isn't it BEAUTIFUL!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fix 'er Upper: Laundry Room

We officially feel like homeowners now. We have gotten our hands dirty with the laundry room. Originally it had linoleum flooring and ugly white walls (that also had HOLES in them). We decided to also move the plumbing and hookups for the washer and dryer. ($$$$). We then started the hardest task..picking out PAINT COLORS. We went with this, Fern Wood Green.

Benjamin Moore Paint-BTW
Then the fun started.

Pat filled in the holes and laid dolwn the "backerboard". 
Then we started painting. Followed by adding the wood-like ceramic tile.

Closer shot of the tile-Cool huh?!

There was "mud" everywhere. That paint looks nice though!

Almost DONE!!!

I got to lay down the final tile. Just so I can say I helped! 
Today we clean up the tile and get it ready to grout. After 2 days of "settling" we will have the machines delivered and I will be in the laundry business!! WOOT. 
More pictures to come. 

-Liz and Pat

PS: And while we were working this is WHAT SIG WAS DOING. Little turd. 

Yup that is the cat food bucket. He has figured out how to open it.
I sealed it with packing tape. We will see how long that last. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Independence Day

Happy to be an American! Glad to have our new home, great family, and the American dream. Remember it takes all of us to protect these freedoms. Let's not take them for granted. God Bless America and all it's citizens!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

All these Pins...

So I have been pretty much obsessed with Pinterest since last summer. I now have over 2000 pins and have tried several recipes, crafts and DIYs. I am definitely a believer. 

And now with a larger kitchen I feel myself wanting to try new foods (and eat better in general actually!) 

So here are a few recipes I would like to try in the next 2 weeks.... 

The 30 minute dinner roll, because these just look amazing! 

Homemade California Roll: I got Pat a sushi kit for his birthday.

Cranberry Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies:

Well what do you think? And who wants to be my guinea pigs?!