Monday, January 27, 2014

Hello 2014

Hello Elizabeth ( since I am the only one I think that reads my BLOG-and maybe my husband when I force him.) ......

Hello Patrick! What? OH...

You don't want to read it? FINE! I will just write for the interwebs...because we all know that once it is on is here for all ETERNITY!

We have been back at work for 4 weeks now. The first two weeks were pure hell. Just chaos and idiots. Idiots and Chaos. I am surprised that I did not become a raging alcoholic on the first Tuesday back. It is something about being a good employee and following the rules that does not mix with weirdos and dumdums. But HARK my prayers have been answered because after a 3-day weekend off for MLKday we also got last Friday off thanks to #sneauxmaggedon.  (google know you want to) And now the town has pretty much closed for #sneauxmaggedon partdeaux!!!! Off of work for Tuesday and Wednesday BECAUSE ITS GONNA SNOW!!!

OKAY....Let me compose myself. (This blog makes it look like I hate work
My parents got TONS of snow....more than I have ever seen in Louisiana. Check it! Crazy,white SNOW!!

We got a lot more Ice than actually snow last Friday-but the weather channel is predicting more snow chances this go around. WooPEE! 

My advice to all those who are in Louisiana and are "snowed in"-Stay INSIDE! On Friday there were more than 200 accidents (40 just in SouthwestLa) Just enjoy the day...get some housework done, catch up on some TV or sleep. There are only so many "snow days" Louisiana gets...take advantage of them! 

I will be snuggled on the couch (probably under an electric blanket) watching Disney movies and/or Bones and....I suppose I'll do some homework. Blah. 
