Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's been a while

I am not sure how people can keep these blog things up and going! It has been since early spring that I posted something. Blogging Loser! The sad part is the only reason I am writing a blog right now is because I am insanely bored at work.

It is days away from our 2 week Christmas break and I have already requested Friday off so I have pretty much given up on the rest of this week. My only role in this office until then is to STAY AWAKE and PLEASANT. I can not wait for my two weeks off and Thursday is the only thing standing in my way! MOVE IT, THURSDAY!!

On the home front, Patrick and I are preparing for Christmas. We have of course decorated the house and set up the tree (weeks after Thanksgiving thank you very much!) and all that is left is to make sure our insane CATS do not destroy the decor and furniture before family comes in for Christmas dinner. It is something about the cooler weather and smell of piney nature that really strikes wild hair with them.

I am going to try my best to update this blog...maybe even once a week! I am MOST definitely going to be adding this gifs...they are my guilty pleasure and bring a lot to the entertainment table for this blog. And yes-it needs it. HA!