WHY?!?!?! They are truly irresistible..those little colored boxes with all those adorable names like "Tag-a-longs" " Samoas" and "Do-Si-Dos" SO KYOOT!!
It's so bad that I even have a cookie supplier. I only talk to her this time of the year...and she delivers my cookies like a true dealer. Drives into my driveway, I RUN to meet her clutching my check for Troop #1234 and we make a quick swap. We make only the necessary pleasantries so that we do not look like weirdos and then she is off. And I go in as quietly as possible so I can try to eat an entire sleeve of Thin Mints before Patrick comes downstairs and finds me. It is WONDERFUL. (And kind of scary)
So I want to know...who else has this yearly addiction with Girl Scout Cookies? And how many of you actually have enough will power to store some away in the freezer? I have tried...but it only last for 2 hours. LOL
OH and which ones are your favorites?